Recommend A CD Player With A Good Transport To Feed My DAC - Maybe Under $700.

I’ve been reading about the Cambridge CXC, but have heard some mixed reviews about limited functionality. Are there any CD Players with a comparable quality transport for under $700? It’s been like 18 years since I bought my Arcam and am out of the loop of current players.  I'm interested in transports in that price range too.  Also, does anyone have experience with the NuPrime CDT 8 Pro transport? 

I'd buy a cheap but reliable CD or DVD player with a digital out and then buy this...

since you'll probably want a jitter-reduction device anyway.  Best of luck. 
I liked the CXC but like the Nuprime more. Use it with Nuprime DAC-9. Some members here seem to like older changers or DVD players as transports 
I use an Integra 3.4 changer into DAC with good results. I’m sure the synchro mesh would make it all sound better...

Just use your Arcam player and add a Synchro-Mesh reclocker and a cheap Markertec BNC coax cable.  It will beat anything you can buy for 10X that.  $699 for the Synchro-Mesh. 7psec of jitter:

Steve N.

Empirical Audio