b4icu: "All the difference in conductivity is below 0.1% and no one would notice an audible difference in such a small difference in conductivity."
You see, this is the point I take issue with. Conductivity includes resistivity as a factor. This factor is the main one you use in your so-called calculations for high DF amps. I stated long ago that the contributory resistance of a normal 12, 14, 18 gauge speaker wire is going to contribute INSIGNIFICANTLY, i.e., "...such a small difference in conductivity."
This is why the use of jumper cable sized conductors as speaker wires is a fool’s errand. This is not high current, low voltage, direct current. Never will be, nada, rien, zilch, nyet, null, void, disintegrated.
You cannot,
Have it,
Both ways.
Have a great day. Oh, and please review why Edison failed with DC and Tesla prevailed with AC.