No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 


Mr. wolf_garcia

I never asked about how you met Mr. Low. Thanks for the sharing, I meet yesterday a chair.

Please be kind to answer my questions:

1. What is your amplifier? Tube (KT77s) What model and brand?

2. What is the cable length? 10 foot (3m)

3. What is your speaker? Klipsch Heresy III

4. What gauge is the cable he offered you? "Rocket" cable does not look normal on the outside" This is the most "technical data" I'd found on the Rocket 33s. The rest is even more BS than not normal looking! Very common on cable makers who are amazingly passionate to rip you off.

I would assume that with your Klipsch (I Have the Forte II with the same efficiency of 99dB/w/m SPL), the tube amp is a good match. The cable, unless it has some capacitance or inductive properties, any would be fine. For the rest of your say about Mr. Low, I would rather meet Miss Pamela Anderson. She seems to me way more "amazingly passionate"!

Below is a link to a not-so-secret calculator that can show how much your speaker cables affect your damping factor.  The calculator is at the bottom of the article on damping factor.

Thanks mitch, secret revealed!
Well, what do you know, used the formula and my speaker cables are just a few inches longer than optimum. All done by ear and the formula verifies it.
Post removed 
According to that calculator, I need 0 AWG to have the final (calculated) damping factor about the same as what amplifier instructions say it is. Not much of a revelation. Didn't we already conclude that it all comes down to 0 AWG? Making the cable 10 (ten) times longer does bring it down some but 15 meters per channel would mean 30 meters between speakers and that must be a rare occasion in real life.