What is the most memorable concert that you had attended so far?


I do not go to concert very often, maybe once or twice a year.

I listen to music mostly through my audio system as much as 4 hours a day.

The most memorable concert that I had attended is the solo recital by Nathan Milstein held at Auditorium of UC Berkely on 1983.

He is one of the virtuoso violinist of the 20th century.

But he was 79 when he played at the recital on 1983.

When he played Partita by Bach, it was not his best.

Although he showed some of his skills, he could not keep up with the fast tempo as much as I wanted.

But as soon as he started playing "
César Franck, Violin Sonata in A Major.

I just marveled at the sweet sound of violin.

I could realize why he is one of the virtuoso violinist of the 20th century.

He died on 1992 so it is now impossible to attend his live recital again.

How about you ladies and gentlemen?

What is the most memorable concert that you had attended?
"The most memorable show I didn’t get to see was one of the only two post-Layla Clapton & Allman shows."

Well photon,

My girlfriend and I went to a triple header concert at our school SUNY at New Paltz, in 1971. First act was BB King, then Jonathan Edwards followed by some new white blues band. After two shows we were both tired. After listening to the the first song from the third band we headed home. Only after they gained more fame, I realized we’d walked out on Duane Allman and the Allman Brothers. We heard they played until two in the morning. This was the show either right before or after their Fillmore East concert was recorded a couple hours south in NYC. I’m still kicking myself.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, My Corvair broke down the weekend of the Woodstock concert so I couldn’t drive up from Long Island to go to it. Who knew how famous that festival was going to be. At the time it was raining so much, I figured it was just as well I missed it. Doh!

One more great story. Years before I knew him somewhere in San Francisco, or maybe Portland a friend from work stopped in the afternoon to get a sandwich at a nearby night club. Jon said, being a nightclub, it was practically deserted during the day. Anyway, while he was eating by himself, this guy taps him on the shoulder and asks him if he’d mind if he practiced on the club’s stage he was sitting next to. Jon said after almost falling over and saying sure, he got to listen to Miles Davis practice on his trumpet for an hour or so. Sometimes you are in the right place at the right time.

Jon Batiste at Village Vanguard four days ago. I’m a rock&roller but he makes that genre seem childish. He’s playing chess while my heroes never got past checkers. 
Andres Segovia at the Royal Albert Hall in London.....1971 I was a young lad.......
So many that it's really hard to say; but I will choose David Bowie at Radio City Music Hall in 1973. He was making his first splash on our shores, and it was the Ziggy tour. It was just so new and different in every way, and really touching and memorable.
@ sejodiren

Wow you had listened to  Andres Segovia at the Royal Albert Hall in London!

I would love to have attended it.