Cat SL1mkIII or Jadis JPS-2

Hi; I'm considering buying a Cat SL1 MkIII or a Jadis JPS-2 preamp. My system consists of the Marantz SA-1 SACD, Jadis SE 300B, Goldmund Dialogue spkrs, and Marigo Audio cables, and inter connects. Your input would be greatly appreciated, so lets hear it from all you audiophiles.
Anyine compared the JPS-2, with the JPS2-S (it’s the balanced only version)?
Your weak link is   Marantz SA-1 SACD.

My recommendation is to get high end Dac with volume control like Dave Chord or Ayre QX 20.
Shkong78....if your system runs on balanced then I recommend the S verision.   Since it’s the latest version for sure it will be synergistic for system matching.  

The differences for sure will be the electrolytic caps, Jadis tends to do upgrades on the caps ( bright blue, to black and to blue).  Beside that the topology would be the same.  I do own the Jps2 but not the S version.  Happy Listening!