I am also interested, if only because I had the opportunity to listen to the original Andra many times. Its direct connected midrange had the most natural reproduction I had heard, and I have been in this audio business since the late 1960s. It ran rings around the then-famoust B&W 802, but its bass was really lacking. I haven't listened to the Andra II.
Egglestonworks Andra original versus Andra-II
I just recently purchased a pair of Andra-II's after having owned original Andra's for about 8 years and I was wondering what other owners of both versions opinion are in regards to the sound quality in between the speakers. I loved my original Andra's and got frustated at times due to the lack of mid-bass/bass response but loved the midrange and top end. I impressed with the improved bass performance of the Andra-II but feel that something of the magic in the midrange is lost. Any thoughts on this ?
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