Sorry, nekoaudio, but I disagree here. A large power supply in the amp is very important, yes, but the sonic signature and how it reacts to signal/load is another important factor. I have worked with several different amps (Bryston is one of them) and when you combine a very fast/clean amp like Bryston with a very warm/full amp such as Luxman/Parasound, what happens is an imbalance in sound and impact. In that case, while the Bryston is a very high resolution amp, it will just not keep up with the Luxman/Parasound in volume/body/impact. I have tested and experienced this personally. The Bryston does have it place, but also in this case, I think it would be a very bad pairing with Focal speakers. The Bryston would excel with a very warm preamp (such as Marantz) and paired with warmer type speakers (NOT Focal). In my situation, the Bryston could not even keep up with my Emotiva XPR-1 amps, and I was testing the big 7b3 600 watt monoblocks. I probably could have gotten the Bryston to work, but I did not want to re-work all my cabling back to gold-plated connectors and such. The Brystons were powering left/right and the Emotiva was powering the center -- and the difference was very obvious.
The Focals are very fast and clean speakers. If you pair them with a high resolution amp such as Classe, the sound is not bad, but it is very apparent that the bass/midbass are somewhat thin and hollow sounding. This pushes the emphasis to the high frequencies, which makes the speaker sound somewhat bright (bordering on harsh). Pairing Focal with Bryston would create a very thin/bright sound with no body and impact. The Focal definitely needs a very warm full amp because the speaker is such a fast responding speaker.