Is Marantz AV8805 good enough pre amp for McIntosh MC8207

In the market for a new preamp to hook up to my MC8207 and was wondering if the Marantz AV8805 is worth the investment. I was gonna go with the McIntosh MX-122 but that thing is already outdated when it comes to new features and it costs twice as much. I don't have a store to go to to listen to the AV8805 and this is gonna be a blind buy for me this time. This setup is gonna be for my new home theater room that I am about to start building and planning to add another McIntosh amp down the road for the rest of the speakers and probably it's gonna be another MC8207 to be able to fully use the 8805.
I have been using the  8802A for about 18 months with Bryston amps . I cannot say enough about the Marantz.  very musical in 2 Channel and 7.1.  the connectivity of the Marantz is endless and easy to set up.  new ones are selling for approximately $2200 now.  
you will not notice or hear any difference between the 8802A and the 8805.  unless youre into having the latest and greatest, Save yourself $3,000 and get the 8802A IMO. 

For your B&W 683 S2 speakers you can use your Marantz AV8805 and your Mac MC8207 seven-channel amp for both stereo and HT imo until you upgrade your front speakers for stereo listening, then you can start looking for a dedicated stereo preamp with HT bypass feature and a better stereo or monoblock amps for your front speakers. But until then you are good with what you have.
I have always wanted to have a McIntosh gear and when time came to upgrade my HT I looked no further than the MC8207 which was priced perfect for my likings, I am not that much into the blue meters for my HT so that's why I decided to get the $3000 cheaper version of the MC207. As for the preamp I went with Marantz AV8805 blind without hearing it just because I grew up with Marantz gear (wish I still had it) knowing that Marantz sound is up to what I like, plus again I am saving big over the MX122. 
I had to mention that the store I bought the gear from gave me really good discount on the Marantz and some on the Mac amp so that made the deal even sweeter.
I would put the money I saved towards building my dedicated Home Theater Room which I will start construction within a month or so and plan to finish in 3 months tops. It would be in my basement and a size of 12' x 25'ish. Can't wait to see that project finished.
I have the Mac MC452 paired with a Marantz 8805.  Sounds phenomenal, been testing with 2ch and have to say they work well together.  I am using the combo with Martin Logan Impression 11A’s and have to say the sound stage, instrument separation, and clarity are fantastic.  I do like the fact that you can stream Tidal native FLAC from the HEOS app, the sounds quality is amazing.

You can’t go wrong at all with the Marantz and a Mac combo.  Especially at the Marantz price point.  I was planing on picking up a tube pre down the road (probably the C2600) but the 8805 has pushed the need for that out for a long while.