OK, I did a bit of an experiment this evening by rubbing a small piece of cellophane on my shirt, letting it cling to my hand and seeing how long several methods took to make the cellophane drop.
I immediately discovered I was wrong about the polarity of the Zerostat 3. Using only the release cycle, nothing happened. Using only the squeeze cycle it dropped immediately, so I was dead wrong about the polarity of the device. My face is appropriately red as I write this.
With one Thoriated rod very near the cellophane it did not drop after 2 minutes. With three near it it dropped in a little less than one. To test my body as a conductor I rubbed the cello and got it to cling again; then tried placing the opposite hand on a polished copper drain pipe. Nothing happened. Placing the tips of the fingers of the same hand that the cello was clinging to, it took about 3 min. to drop. I then sprayed my hand with Pfan-Stat and dried it before getting the cello to cling. It dropped about 30 sec. after I put my finger tips on the pipe. Draw your own conclusions. I've had 3 rods on my plinth for a few days and I see less dust being attracted when I lift a record off the table. I still use the Zerostat 3 and a carbon fiber brush when necessary.
My main issues with static have been with dust attraction and cling to felt mats. Rarely have I heard static affect the sound of my LP playing...I think. I don't use felt anymore, regardless of what the manufacturer sells the table with. But the excellent Shure article that @spincat linked us to makes me want to experiment with a conductive mat, even though the only way it would have of discharging is through the spindle. I'm not sure how that would work. I wouldn't use the copper mats I've seen because one of my tables works with a clamp (would copper damage the vinyl under pressure?) and the other is a Linn Basik that wouldn't be able to overcome the extra weight according to Linn. If anyone knows of any other conductive mat materials, I'd like to know. I may try spraying a mat with Pfan-Stat.
Finally, the Shure graphite guard. I have 2 V15 RSs and have used Shures with brush guards since the '80s, one RS with a new Jico MR stylus is on the Linn most of the time. I still have 2 older Shure original Styli for when I'm feeling nostalgic. The other one is for my Oracle Alexandria, but rarely gets used as I have several MCs. The reason I didn't think the brushes were effective at removing static is that no matter how fastidiously I clean an LP before playing, there is always dust on the brush fibers when the side is through. Dust that I don't think was on the LP when I closed the lid. Yes, I play with the lid down. I hate dust being attracted to my vinyl. The V15s are no worse with static than my other cartridges; but I can't say they are better either. I'll pay more attention the next time I use one.
Sorry for being so long winded! If you made it this far, I thank you for your patience.
I immediately discovered I was wrong about the polarity of the Zerostat 3. Using only the release cycle, nothing happened. Using only the squeeze cycle it dropped immediately, so I was dead wrong about the polarity of the device. My face is appropriately red as I write this.
With one Thoriated rod very near the cellophane it did not drop after 2 minutes. With three near it it dropped in a little less than one. To test my body as a conductor I rubbed the cello and got it to cling again; then tried placing the opposite hand on a polished copper drain pipe. Nothing happened. Placing the tips of the fingers of the same hand that the cello was clinging to, it took about 3 min. to drop. I then sprayed my hand with Pfan-Stat and dried it before getting the cello to cling. It dropped about 30 sec. after I put my finger tips on the pipe. Draw your own conclusions. I've had 3 rods on my plinth for a few days and I see less dust being attracted when I lift a record off the table. I still use the Zerostat 3 and a carbon fiber brush when necessary.
My main issues with static have been with dust attraction and cling to felt mats. Rarely have I heard static affect the sound of my LP playing...I think. I don't use felt anymore, regardless of what the manufacturer sells the table with. But the excellent Shure article that @spincat linked us to makes me want to experiment with a conductive mat, even though the only way it would have of discharging is through the spindle. I'm not sure how that would work. I wouldn't use the copper mats I've seen because one of my tables works with a clamp (would copper damage the vinyl under pressure?) and the other is a Linn Basik that wouldn't be able to overcome the extra weight according to Linn. If anyone knows of any other conductive mat materials, I'd like to know. I may try spraying a mat with Pfan-Stat.
Finally, the Shure graphite guard. I have 2 V15 RSs and have used Shures with brush guards since the '80s, one RS with a new Jico MR stylus is on the Linn most of the time. I still have 2 older Shure original Styli for when I'm feeling nostalgic. The other one is for my Oracle Alexandria, but rarely gets used as I have several MCs. The reason I didn't think the brushes were effective at removing static is that no matter how fastidiously I clean an LP before playing, there is always dust on the brush fibers when the side is through. Dust that I don't think was on the LP when I closed the lid. Yes, I play with the lid down. I hate dust being attracted to my vinyl. The V15s are no worse with static than my other cartridges; but I can't say they are better either. I'll pay more attention the next time I use one.
Sorry for being so long winded! If you made it this far, I thank you for your patience.