Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Indeed - mixing amps is extremely treacherous, which was the main reason, along with mixing cables, that Jim axed the dual binding posts. Good points about cables and special considerations.

I suspect the bi-amp advantages are not special to the 3.5. Amps constrict in various ways when high current draw surpasses the reserves. Vertical bi-amping supplies double the power and also sequesters the problem area to itself. In other words it makes more sense if bass overdrive results in distorted bass (sequestered channel), than if bass overdrive results in distorted treble (full range channel).

By the way, please push me. I am feeling this out as I go.
I think the Bryston 7b St with the serial and parallel setting represents a solid neutral amp that allows for regular and low impedance speaker comparison and identify issues due to impedance.
@rojacob does your 2.4 have a printed circuit board or point to point connections on masonite (or similar)? The pcb version must be soldered from the bottom. Hard to imagine that operation without removing the boards from the cabinet. 
Thank You! for the latest update(s). We all look forward in reading about the preliminary data that you create as you test the XO project. A beta offering like this endeavor takes time to develop. You certainly have the capability, knowledge, skill sets and wisdom, to get this project off of the runway.

I know that Mr. Rob Gillum and others behind the scene are supporting you and beetlemania on this wonderful opportunity. Feel this thing out as you see fit. The panel here is staying tuned.
Happy Listening!

Regarding amplification, either I don’t listen as loudly as others or your Thiel models are especially difficult loads. When I had CS1.6s, i drove them with an Ayre AX-7; 60 W into 8 ohms, doubling into 4 ohms. That amp had plenty of balls to drive the 1.6 to any SPL I cared for. Sounded terrific other than a distortion in the upper midrange or low treble with certain recordings of female vocalists. Pretty sure this was from the Thiels and not the Ayre. My room is 18x19 with a vaulted ceiling and two large openings on the rear wall.

I’ve now moved up the chain to CS2.4SE driven by an Ayre AX-5: 125 W into 8 ohms, doubling into 4. Again, this “modest” amp has plenty of guts to drive the Thiels as loud as I care for without any sense of clipping or distress. YMMV.

That said, the impedance curve for the 5 certainly looks like a challenging load and I would pair that with something capable of delivering more current.