No problems @dyl71 , I try not to read too much "motive" into posts here and I don't need to defend Audiogon since they are what they are and have done quite well on their own.
@elizabeth 's post below is a good example of "what the market will bear." Around here, there have historically been seasonal swings, with certain times of the year being better to sell stuff and other times being better for buyers. There have also been ups and downs relative to the economy and for other reasons. I seem to remember it being pretty tough to sell expensive stuff here in 2008/09. Right now, for whatever reason, sales seem to be in sort of a lull where the items being sold either need to be in relatively high demand or priced competitively, or else they just sit. Being patient is ok for some sellers who can afford to hold until a better sales climate comes along. Other folks who need the money will have to reduce their price until the market, or the perfect buyer, decides it is low enough.