I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
Unfortunately I have to disagree on that the majority are asking too much.
It is only the poor market that is driving prices down.
I do not consider at all that 55% of new price for a popular in demand item that is only 3 months old is greedy.
But the amount of either lowball offers received or just plain apathy was an eye opener.

Sure if you list it cheap enough then it will sell and if you do not have much money in it or you just REALLY need the money right away then fine.
But the vast majority I believe are in similar position to myself at upgrade time in that I need a fair price for my old items to go towards my new items.

And we could argue all day on what constitutes fair price.....
With respect, "fair" listing prices don't seem to have much to do with selling used audio gear, which seems to be based more on what the market will bear at the time of sale than on any subjective idea of what constitutes a fair price. If a seller chooses not to part with their stuff for a price below what they believe is fair, then the consequence is that they wait longer for a willing buyer to come along.  It seems to be really that simple.

Agreed Mitch
And everyone is going to have a different viewpoint of what is fair.

Sometimes the right buyer for the right item can appear instantly. Other times it may be 6 months IF you are holding firm on what you consider fair.

Still back to the initial OP.

Sales are still VERY slow on the gon more is the pity!
I have sold way more gear on eBay than here which as duly noted carries a 10% fee AND 2.9% PayPal fee.
But at least they have sold although I was successful in some clandestine pm exchanges to direct a couple of interested parties from eBay to here instead.
However you cannot count that as a success story for Audiogon, rather my tactics.... Lol.
I believe there is more to the current lull than our typical seasonal swings, or economic conditions, and that the high-end market may indeed be shrinking as  @cooper52  pointed out earlier in this thread.
The point is that the market does seem to be shrinking and we can point to any number of factors affecting it. I'd put market-saturation at the top of that list, followed closely by an aging constituency (I guess I fall into that category) and then the fact that HEA doesn't seem to be attracting a younger following. My recent visit to the California Audio Show in Oakland was a bit of an eye-opener in that regard: I'd guess the average age of the attendees on the day I was there was somewhere in the late 50s.
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