I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
I believe there is more to the current lull than our typical seasonal swings, or economic conditions, and that the high-end market may indeed be shrinking as  @cooper52  pointed out earlier in this thread.
The point is that the market does seem to be shrinking and we can point to any number of factors affecting it. I'd put market-saturation at the top of that list, followed closely by an aging constituency (I guess I fall into that category) and then the fact that HEA doesn't seem to be attracting a younger following. My recent visit to the California Audio Show in Oakland was a bit of an eye-opener in that regard: I'd guess the average age of the attendees on the day I was there was somewhere in the late 50s.
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I certainly have some funds to buy new but it's not kind of funds to be able to buy what I would want to. Besides, I might be interested in particular older models.
As for younger people, quite a number of them do have money, they just mostly spend it on other things or invest or save. They are also with some exceptions digiheads. When you are outside analog you are unlikely to become true audiophile. Someone would take this thought further - not only analog, outside of tubes there is no audiophile land.
One possible factor could be the rapidly changing technology. Some gear can be outdated before the year is over, sparking interest near the end of year for some good deals.

Hard to pull the trigger on something if a successor is already announced soon after a component is released.

I'm new on here, but trying to buy something - I've asked (probably dumb) questions of the seller, but no replies. Granted, I asked about shipping cost which is probably some kind of taboo, but I'd like to buy! I can't make an offer when shipping could be nearly half the price!