Make Audiogon Great Ahem!

Just for fun some suggestions to follow :-)
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If it is that bad and a demand truly exists, someone will fill the void.
Oh, US Audio!!

with many numbers, comes much confusion and concern. 

The dark web will only get darker so long as anonymity is the rule . 

once people are predisposed to provide their true identity, which they will have to if they transact business here,  in all other areas I would think a more polite community would emerge.

sorta of like it was back when everyone wore a handgun on their hip. it paid to be polite back then. otherwise, severe differences of opinions were settled swiftly and as severely.  True too then, personal  integrity and mutual respect far more common place individual attributes and considerations.

Elizabeth alluded to artificially inflated transaction credits as a concern, if I read her words correctly, and its a reality with some members based on my personal EXP. consequently, I think also looking at someone's longevity and not merely their transaction score seems a no brainer. additionally, reviewing if they only buy or only sell and if the majority of their transactions revolve about the same members repeatedly, should raise one's eyebrow, at least. I was deceived by one seller years ago whose feedback had been accumulated exactly in such a manner.

All in all, the overwhelming portion of my transactions here have been quite positive. 

as for the bandied about rhetoric strewn on these pages, well, there's no accounting for posts which are defaming, derogatory, or in plain bad taste so long as there is no accountability by way of penalty ever applied.

the membership here is immense. proven 'frauds' should be banned outright, and immediately once proven as such. period.

vulgarity and personal attacks should be accompanied by suspensions initially, and if they persist being banned ought to be a possible result.

I've found this method works everywhere:
say what you mean
Mean what you say.
Don't say it mean.       

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