Which upgraded fuse is recommended for an Onkyo and Elac setup?

I have acquired a mid grade hi fi system that I am going to put in my office. Its an Onkyo avr priced under $1000 ( purchased sometime in the last year by my brother) with some Elac bookshelf speakers priced around $500.  Not sure of the model numbers. 

In general...which fuse upgrade is recommended?  Trying to squeeze all I can out of this mid fi system. Thanks.
A Absolute Dream Power Cord can transform your $1k system to $10K!!!
That's your claim perhaps, but not the one being made in the link you provided.
imhififan11-07-2018 12:55am
Yep! A Absolute Dream Power Cord can transform your $1k system to $10K!!! ... Do the math, It should be $11k!!!
My bad ;)
That's your claim, perhaps, but not one made in the link you provided.