Vandersteen Treo CT, Pair of Sub threes and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400

Hello all,

I am investing in a system upgrade.  My room is not the greatest and I won't be doing any acoustic treatments to it.

Basically the main speakers need to be within 12 to 18 inches of the wall (WAF).  Because of this I am thinking of building the system around Lyngdorf and Room Perfect.

I am thinking of pairing the Vandersteen Treo CT with a Pair of Sub threes.  I would be driving these with a Lyngdorf TDAI 3400.  

My question is the SUB Three's have room EQ and the Lyngdorf has room correction.

How would I set these up together?

Would I get the SUB Three's set up and them run the Lyngdorf Room Perfect


Would the room perfect render the SUB Three's EQ as useless in that case I would just by the cheaper Vandy V2W subs without the EQ and let room perfect blend the subs and mains.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ag insider logo xs@2xefoo

(((This would work just fine unless I am missing something.)))
Do you have a voltmeter can easily confirm If lyngdorf could work?

Download Vandertones under resources at the Vandersteen website
Set up the x over for - 3db at 80
Play Vandertones track 27= 1000 HZ adjust main volume control to read 1V AC next
Play Vandertones track 31=  100 HZ
 Let me know what the Volt meter reads.

Johnny you are the man.   I will call you when I get back from CA.

The Aesthetix Mimas  sound like it may be perfect for what I am trying to do and since you know it will work from a DNA standpoint it may be just the ticket.
I am in irvine, heading back to Rochester NY tomorrow.

How long have you had your treo's
That new Aesthetix Mimas is probably a game changer for the cost. I was shocked when I saw that.  I love their gear (had Rhea) and boy do they stand by it.  

We all need to go visit Tomic!!!!!  I want to hear his other houses system with the 7's ;)....

Had a dream last night that I got a pair of the sub 9's to pair iwht my Quatro's after I put the Quatro's on a 3" piece of granite.  LOL......

Johnny, you just blew me away with the set up of the sub.  Don't know why, but you did.