Did you ever mismatch equipment ?

Sometimes we regret having made a certain purchase, not always does it bring us what we expected. We know that it is possible to have a complete mismatch, so may be we can reveal some of our wrong choices here, just as a kind of "lessons learned". Of course, I realize that it is relative, as what may sound correct to us may not sound correct to others. Nevertheless, I’m sure some of us feel that we made a wrong choice, so who is ready to admit...
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Elizabeth, I'm not so sure that fixing the Counterpoint yet again wouldn't also have been a mistake!  I owned a 5.1 for several years and just tired of the exploding capacitors and quickly dying tubes.  It did sound nice, though.....
I once combined Burmester 011 pre with Audio Research CD 8, it never gave me the satisfaction I was looking for. None of the equipment was defective, it just wasn't right. Not sure why, but after I had changed the components, (changed both the Burmester as well as the Audio Research) I got the level I was looking for. I find it easier to stay with the same brand, as the matching is usually working better. 
Selling a Superphon Revelation preamp & replacing it with a McIntosh. Probably the worst sounding preamp I've owned. I was young then & thought that the McIntosh would sound better because it sold for so much more. Lesson learned... Around that same time I sold a Yamaha B1 amp to go with a tubed audio research. Not that the tubed audio research sounded bad, I just with I wouldn't have sold the B1. It was a glorious amp!