Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K

Since all of you were such a huge help in getting me to arrive at my decision to get the Line Magnetic 805ia tube integrated, I thought I would start another thread to discuss speakers to consider. I do love my Ascend Acoustics but after hearing the improvement that the Line Magnetic gave my system, I am wondering now if there is a reasonably priced but a better speaker that is a better match for my system. The only criteria is that the price be equal to or less than $10k. I am looking for a speaker that is not harsh in the higher frequencies but still has enough sparkle and snap that doesn't give up anything in terms of detail. The ability to deliver some low end, dynamic punch is something that I would be looking for as well as this is the one area the Ascend's lack in currently. 

My current setup is...

Speakers: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL Tweeters and Ascend Acoustics Center Speaker with RAAL Tweeter
Amp: Line Magnetic 805ia at 48W x 2
DAC: PS Audio Directstream Junior
Primary Music: Jazz and Female Vocals 

Speakers that I have considered so far include (power requirements notwithstanding):
  • Magico A3
  • Dynaudio Contour 60
  • Focal Sopra 2
  • Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
I see others here have recommended you get efficient speakers. They are correct. 48 watts of single ended power is not the same as 48 watts of push pull power, tube or SS. 

I read the specs, looked at the manual and no where is the damping factor stated. It is often low with this type of amplifier. Read my posts on AG about the effects of low damping (high output impedance). 

This amp should draw a lot of power from the wall, at least 300 watts, but I could not find that information either.

The 805 is a zero bias triode and thus has high plate impedance. Unless they use a great deal of feedback the amplifier will have high output impedance.

Can someone find the output impedace of this amplifier?

Audio Note AN-E

Devore Fidelity 093/096

If you decide on Salk....I have a pair of Soundscape 8's in perfect condition that Ive never used. You can have em for 50% off. I have about 10 pairs of speakers (Including Audio Note AN-E Spx Al Nico and Devore 0/96) so will probably never use the Salk's.

Freesole- I recently purchased this same amp (and also live in the Seattle area). 
I am running Neat Acoustics Iota-Alphas. Less costly than what you're looking for, but very low sensitivity. Probably 84 db as opposed the their 86 db claimed rating. I have no problem driving them with this amp, and 10:00 on the volume is getting pretty loud. And they sound fantastic.
That said, there are better speakers out there for more money.
A few days ago I heard the Spendor A7's with the LM 845 amp (22 wpc). The Spendor's ($5,000) sounded AMAZING! They immediately caught my attention from across the room. The only caveat is that I did not hear them at loud volume and I was unfamiliar with the music being played. That said,  I'm already saving my money in hopes of picking up a pair in the future.
I highly recommend checking them out. They have some at Gig Harbor Audio you can check out.
Where specifically do you live?
ramtubes- I'm not an electrical engineer, but here's what I know about the amp. It draws 400 watts from the wall. I don't know the damping factor. It has four feedback settings.
I will say that I just upgraded to the LM 508 from a Parasound Halo Integrated. I'm running 84 db, 4 ohm speakers, so the Parasound should have been putting out 240 wpc.
The LM 805 plays WAY louder than the Parasound. More importantly, it sounds great from zero on up. The Parasound took 20% volume or more to begin reaching it's zone sound quality-wise. 
I'm new to tube amps, but I never would have guessed 48 wpc would play louder and sound better than a 240 wpc pretty decent amp, even with low sensitivity speakers. I can't imagine how it would sound with more sensitive speakers.