Power Cord suggestion please

Have two new active speakers (Fluid Fx8).  want to upgrade the base power cord.  However, since i need two matched, don't want to break the bank.  12 gauge will work as only 130watts total in the 2 internal amps.  

So, price to performance power cords?     Signal Cable?  anti-cables?  Pangea?
Thanks Much in advance

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Why would you wish to impute beliefs to me or anyone else since you can’t possibly know our state of mind. On the other hand, I know the Tiger by his stripes.


"A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization".~Wikipedia.

So every time two or three people coincide in a thread, they're somehow in the service of the manufacturer in question?

As for "fan boy", why would anyone ever recommend a product if they weren't somehow a fan of it, regardless of whether they actually owned it or not.  Ownership of course gives added credibility; see my system for the Cullen cables that are in it.

I find it hilarious that often the same one or two individuals continue to come on these threads stating that power cords do not make a difference, and we, and they, know who they are. I am not sure of the science, if any, as to why the last several feet prior to the amplifier ( or any component ) should a power cable make, other than what my ears tell me. Always different, usually better, sometimes subtle, never worse than a stock cable. Enjoy . MrD.