Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
That last one was some funky jazz. My son came down & said it reminds him of the music they play during the 70's police chases. Dang if he isn't right. Don't know if I can ever listen to it the same again... Anyway, enough with the jazz. Time to go full bore into some mid-tempo rock (LOL)

Bedhead 1998 / Transaction de Novo
I don't think I've heard that RUSH album before reubent. How is it?

Starless & Bible Black / Shape of the shape