Found this old thread searching on a watch center and wanted to chime in....
My Sophia 2's are black and the paint looks like my dogs rear end!
I was under the impression the paint would be super nice since Wilson touts the paint as well as the speaker.
Well, they have really bad spider webs! I know about paint, been buffing, waxing, washing and polishing paint since I was 12 YO and there is no excuse for this, even if its black.
Also, when I was moving residence, I noticed a paint run (drip/whatever) that was sanded down, but not all the way! They shot clear right over it and it looked like cheet man! I should have marked it (the sun was shining on it) because now I can't find it.
I too have called wilson. Called about their rules for warranty (I was late sending card in since I wasn't aware of the rules) and during business hours, couldn't reach anyone.
To Elizabeth, the importance of having the dealer install the speakers is very real. They are trained to set the speakers in a certain way. Then after break-in, the dealer comes back and tightens the screws and re-positions them. When my dealer did the re-positioning, it was sounding soooo much better!
Wilsons need to be setup PERFECTLY, otherwise they don't sound as good. So if Joe Shmoe installs the speaker(s) w/out training, the sound is not as good then the "Wilson" speaker is at fault (wrongly so).