Gryphon Diablo 300: at the top of Integrated Amps?

Is there any other amps I can look into that sound as good or more preferred to Gryphon's Diablo 300? 

I can think of two while I am writing this:
- Devialet 1000 Pro
- McIntosh MA9000

I appreciate getting feedback of people who heard/compared them. 

Vitus Audio, T&A, Soulution, CH Precision, Tidal, Audionet, MBL all make exceptional gears as well including their integrated amps.

Yes.....indeed the Dan D’Agostino Momentum analog integrated amp is spectacular and it is expected to be better than the Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated as it costs more than twice as much as the Diablo 300.
I happen to own the D’Agostino Momentum analog integrated amp in my master bedroom setup paired with the Wilson Audio Duette series 2 standmount speakers and with a Linn Klimax DS (with the latest Katalyst DAC architecture) served as my digital front end source component and a Linn LP12 Klimax version turntable with Linn Urika phonostage served as my analog front end.
It is a very special analog integrated amp indeed.

Another very simple all-in-one box solution or a single box solution integrated that impresses me is the Naim Uniti Nova, which is a streamer/DAC/integrated amp currently retails for only $7500 new. It is highly musical very refined sounding unit. 

If you don't need Gryphon power, the Aries Cerat Diana is one phenomenal integrated.