They are very similar yes? what do you think will happen if another measurement was done at 4ohm in the bridged mode????? It will be far worse than the non bridged into 4ohms or 8ohms, that’s why they didn’t give the graph even though they probably did measure it.
George, this is speculative at best.
The AHB2 has very comprehensive protection. I suspect the bridged AHB2 will maintain its ultra low distortion into low impedances until protection kicks in.
If you recall I said this in my initial response above:
George I agree with you that with efficient low impedance speakers the OP may likely be better off with a single AHB2.
What I took exception to was your incorrect blanket assumption that bridging the AHB2 would result in higher distortion. This is NOT true for the specified 6 and 8 ohm loads.
Despite what is specified, Benchmark demos at shows with 4ohm nominal speakers (see link above). Do you think they would do this if the sound quality was compromised?
I am just amazed at how well Benchmark marketing has pulled off selling 2x amplifiers.
Why are you amazed Roger?
Some of us own low efficiency 8 ohm nominal speakers - for which the bridged mono AHB2’s are perfect.
Honestly, Benchmark appears to be one of the least marketing oriented companies around. They don’t push BS, they comprehensively measure everything they make and are very much about accuracy and low coloration - not boutique sound tailoring.