Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
J.A. - such considerations were an integral part of our development projects and accumulated knowledge. Wire effects are subtle and complex, but far from trivial. Yes, I agree that part of Jim's genius was to pay close attention to everything and pay no attention to conventional wisdom such as "bigger coils are better".

Of probable interest here is the possibly little-known fact that we never performed competitive evaluation; there was never another-brand speaker in our lab or listening room. Jim considered such an idea as at best a use of time which we couldn't afford, and at worst a distraction from the work at hand, which was understanding and solving as much as possible from a first-principle approach. The same went for materials and cabinet concepts and construction schemes and production methods. We did original work.

Considerable feedback came from the press, dealers and customers. But such feedback was on the conversational level. The real work included Finite Element Analysis, fine-tuning the lab and its equipment, building a world-class listening room, implementing an anechoic environment on the roof-top, experimenting with leading-edge materials and the excruciating iterative process of developing complex electromagnetic / acoustic / electronic systems to get the job done. And, of course, pruning each model to fit our market niche of affordable high-performance musical tools.

Thank You for sharing your story circa early 1980's about taking part in a listening group.  Very cool history there.  Happy Listening!

Good to see you today. Agreed, I would be the first to state that wire does make a difference, the finest details must be addressed and covered properly, which you guys accelerated in those early days at Thiel Audio.
No doubt that the term "pioneer" cannot be underestimated here. Add a genius designer and philosophy on first order, time-phase coherence, and the result is one hell of a loudspeaker.  Fascinating.

Happy Listening!
thanks for the response . I am thoroughly interested in your listening test. With the plethora of options , new and used, this will help me immensely. 
I find it interesting, yet disappointing, that at the price and level of engineering we are talking about there is such a difference in the sound. As I said , the Bryston 3B2 is not working with the 2.4’s.

Tom Thiel. If I upgrade my 2.4’s caps, will it meaningfully change the sound of my system?

gas - when the dust settles and we have accounted for the differences in effective series resistance of the new caps, coils and so forth, the frequency balance and phase response should be nearly identical to the original design. The improvements will be in the areas of ease, definition, clarity, perceived dynamic range from quieting background noise and so forth. We may lift a veil and sweeten things a little. But the tonal balance, and so forth will not substantially change.

It bears saying that we may well be improving the Thiel strong suits.
We cannot reduce the amplifier demands because the low impedance load is necessitated by the various correction circuits to cover the wide bandwidth of each driver. But, we may (if the customer wants) add a bi-amp option. When done right with the same amp for highs and lows (4 identical channels), each amplifier has a much easier time driving its load, plus any distress is sequestered to its own range. Audible improvements are certain. But additional amplification and cable requirements add expense.

Nothing comes without cost. Our intent is to jump performance league with a modest enough cost burden to justify the expenditure.

FYI: Bryston was a long-term collaborator with Thiel. The cubed (3) series is said to be strong with Thiel. The CES introduction of the 3.7 was with Bryston to high acclaim. I don't know their line, but your reported disappointment may be because of too little power / current.