Considering used towers under $1000..

I’m thinking about purchasing towers used, I’d like to keep under $1000. Some that repeatedly pop up are Tekton M-lores, and Silverline preludes, among others.

Your experience with the above, or any other suggestions?

(Room is 22 x18, hardwood floors. Power is Rotel RA1070 integrated, 100w per side at 8 ohms, Onkyo CD player, model 7030 I believe)
A pair of Gershwin Sonograms just popped on from a dealer in NJ who posts here often. I heard these once at a show and thought they sounded very, very good for the money. He is asking $1800 but you may be able to grab them somewhere close to your budget. As I recall, a very balanced, capable speaker that you would have a hard time beating for that kind of money.