Tang, in addition to the economics that were pointed out in the article, there are these;
https://wealthisbeingtranfered.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/wealth-is-being-transferred-from-us-to-them/Markets were manipulated with corporate money, under the direction of presidential administrations.
Those who know are afraid to speak, and those who speak pay a price.
The CFTC, the agency that has protected us from commodity market manipulation over the years, could not protect us from our own government in the White House. Those excessively high prices for food and gasoline decimated the lower middle class, and it's rippling up to the small business class presently.
When you add up all the economic calamities that affected millions of people all over this country, you can see how they resulted in citizens having less money.
In regard to Asia, the rich got richer, the same as here, but here there was a smaller percent that got richer, but they got incredibly richer, resulting in the "high high high end".