$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
If 10k is as 5$ to somebody than 10k speakers wires are for that particular person things he will look at. But if money is a object than you know that 10k speaker cables do not bring you more music. 

We probably all have listened to many high end and ultra high end and high priced systems) and vise versa. 
For me 200k sets with 10k speakers cables 5k interconnects and 30k amps or whatever are not essential for enjoying music or a good sounding system. 

When I come home and fire up my tubes (set) and listen to self made OB speakers and self made IC silver cables and some cheap pro interconnects I have no desire to spend high end prices for equipment or cables. 

I do how ever see them as Pearce’s of Art and for that I disire them. Beautiful crafted equipment and cables are industrial mastrpeaces. Bring them on! 

@bdp24  You sir are correct! I seemed to have forgotten Mr.Fulton and FMI. Also Polk's Cobra cable - I had a set! Sold them and bought a 40 ft piece of Mogami Blue Neglex 2477 OFC 12 ga. coax for $40. Cut it in half and used it for the next 20+ years with my KLH Nines!
Expensive audio gear is the new crack for the Rich! Fancy stuff to fill those rooms in the mansion/hi-rise!
Cheap audio gear is the new heroin for the poor, the downcast, and those who’ve given up. 😀
Richier31 is correct on nobody is forcing anyone to buy expensive cable. I have a friend, quite educated and arrogant. He owns many luxury items and I met him in college. He smoked cigarrettes managed to get lung cancer, had one removed and one was treated with radiation. Now he smokes cigars. He tells me he lives large and no one tells him what to do??? I may think he is stupid, materialistic and misguided but that is all his choice. I live in America, and many people here take offense to good advice.