$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
An optometrist's son asked his father how he determines the price of prescription glasses... the father told him, he puts a pair of glasses in front of the patient and says $100 - if they don't blink, he says plus $100 for lenses, if they still don't blink, he says "each".
Actually I’m all for blind testing. I just think blind tests don’t necessarily mean anything. Nothing too heavy. And people think they’re SO scientific. Give me a break. Who are these people, English majors? Drug industry Mavericks? They think they’re SO skeptical. But hey, knock yourself out if blind tests turn you on. There’s something for every taste. For martinitime51 that taste happens to be 🐈💩 💩