CDP's: NuPrime vs Naim

Hi,I now own Naim CDX2 + XP5XS; various reasons are pushing me to change it: Naim will almost completely stop CDPs’ production, CDX2 in itself is quite old, moreover it is the first release with no digital outs....At the moment I don’t want to quit CDs, so I’m thinking of a new CDP (streamers and so on may come later).I recently heard some NuPrime power amps which really impressed me, and it recalled a listening session with the NuForce CDP9, a highly underrated CDP, so, making the sum and hoping it is correct, I was wondering if a NuPrime combo CDT-8 + DAC9 may be a good candidate.The question is: ahs anyone of you listened to it ? and, though I know it won’t be easy, anyone can try a comparison with Naim CDX2 ? having listened both or even "by heart", as I guess very few people if any have directly compared the two.I’ve read part of the recent thread on CDP-9, but I’m mainly focused in that tarnsport+DAC combo, for reasons I will explain later if required.thanks, ciaoDanieleedit: I've read with more attention and saw the other thread is mainly about CDT8, despite the title; but still I can't get hwo the combo sounds (though I've read several positive feedbacks on the transport itself)
I can and do listen to my dac10 (not the H) and cdt 8 pro for hours on end, daily.  Bella!

And, in the U.S., we can buy from a real gent, John Casler.

That’s all you will ever need to know.
I have CDT-8 and DAC-9,  great combo...currently use with Nuforce STA200 amp and Salk SongTowers

Lots of Nuprime commentary on Audio Circle.

Also I think there's a new DAC that's just dropped.

Audio Circle has a NuPrime Circle, which I think means that you can talk about their products and their products alone, and moreover users are biased.
I may be wrong, but I would not ask on NuPrime circle "what CDP would you suggest ? Naim, NuPrime, Marantz or Accuphase ?" (just an example). I'd rather ask about, say, best way to connect CDT8 to a DAC, what NuPrime power amp should I chose for my speakers, what NuPrime DAC if I want a warmer / more detailed sound...And if I ask "how does a NuPrime CDP sound" in a NuPrime enthusiasts' circle, I guess I can tell answers before reading.Don't get me wrong: I'm not criticizing, I'm a member there and I think it's right that way.