Used audiophile preamp

 I’m looking for a used  audiophile preamp either solid state or tube. Looking for recommendations. Prefer less than $4000. Currently own Jeff Rowland Consumate preamp, phonostage and power supply.  Older technology but still excellent. What does newer technology have to offer over what I have?  Soundstage? Musicality? My system includes Linn turntable, Odyssey Kismet monoblocks, Spatial M3 Turbo spkrs, Schitt DAC, Cambridge CD Turntable, PS Nuwave, etc.  Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. All input welcome. Thanks.
Might want to consider one of the YBA pre amps that come up occasionally. Great value in a well designed and feature laden component. I love the way they implemented the volume control on the remote. Hard to explain why, seems more logrithmic than linear if that makes any sense. 
How about telling us what you feel is lacking in your system ?, as it could just be upgradetitus. How about better room acoustics.  Enjoy ! MrD.
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