$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
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I got the top of the line Synergistic Research UEF speaker cable at half price and they were still a lot of money....but because I did so and purchased two REL subwoofer I am now very happy with the sound I am getting with my Harbeth 40.2 speakers and integrated pass lab 250.

I could have sold the speakers and tried some other speakers instead but who knows where I would be on the merry go round if I did so...

I could have bought a separate preamp and amp and stuck with a cheaper cable and maybe got to the same place but maybe not .....

the better speakers cables with the subwoofer make every record sound good to me...obviously some better than others....before.....I would be happy with one record and then with the next record be thinking maybe I should get a different speaker or amp.......

so my happiness and peace of mind is worth it......I would have found it much more taxing to sell the speakers or sell my equipment and audition something else......

my previous speaker cables were the lesser but still excellent atmosphere cables by SR and now they are happily being used in my bedroom set amp system.  So both systems sound better........

Yes, indeed, the folks around here impute 💩 to others....🙀🙉🙈🙊