Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player

My current CD player is a basic, older Sony, probably 10-12 years old. Works fine but I could use it in another location with a lower end system. It seems to sound about as good as my Arcam CD92 that lost its DAC a while back.

So now thinking about buying a new CDP and have a couple of questions.

I’d like to keep this in the $300-500 range for units with internal DAC. Not looking for SACD player. Other than a remote, not looking for special features or multi disk players.

I’m guessing that in this price range SQ is probably comparable to other units in that range.

First, is a CDP in this price range going to sound any better than the old Sony?
Second, if not, is there any reason not to just buy a comparable $200 unit?
Third, for units in this price range ($300-500) is there any reason to look for one with balanced output capability and if so, is there any way to know if it is truly balanced.

Thanks all,


Some years back, I had a Walkman and a Discman. Both were used for carry. {Walking). Not joining the argument, just say'in.......
Being clueless and arrogant is not that great of a combination.

Exactly! I know you are but what am I?
I prefer the Walkman. The Discman is the older crappy one. I don’t remember who brought up the Discman and frankly I don’t care. It’s irrelevant. If you want to pretend it means anything go for it. Argue amongst yourselves.

"I don’t remember who brought up the Discman and frankly I don’t care."
You brought it all up. You even brought your preference for a cassette Walkman to the thread of a person asking for suggestions about a basic CD player.

"I know you are but what am I?"
Once I find the topic you can hold your ground on, I will let you know. So far, no luck but I am keeping some hope. Nobody can be inept at everything.
And another thread takes a dive into the sewer!
Great job guys!

BTW if anybody is still reading this who remotely might be interested in the Sony Walkman cd player...

Mine is model D-EQ550