Power Conditioner for Amp

Can you guys recommend a power conditioner that can handle a high powered Amp?

I currently have an Isotek Aquarius, but I feel my Amp (Ayre AX-5 Twenty) sounds better when connected to wall.

As my DAC and preamp benefit quite a bit from the Aquarius, I am thinking its because of the power on Amp.
Yeah, Gryphon amps incorporate some elaborate things in their design. So they should, certainly for the price.
But wall current has been getting from bad to worse and going downward. Amp designers have to pay more attention to this. If they do, that's good, but the prices will go up. 
I know, I know @stringreen But my Ayre QX-5 DAC benefits from The Aquarius, so....

‘’It’s the Amp (VX-5) that does not
The Ayre Conditioner RFI filter?
Bit of a terrible pun there!
Ayre Conditioning.... Lmao


Consult Ayre prior to any power conditioner. Their power amp(s) may not benefit from plugging into one. 99% will sound best by plugging into a wall outlet.  Happy Listening!
I use an Audience aR6 TSSD with my Ayre VX5-20.  This conditioner has no issues in current limitation.  My entire system sounds better IMO when all connected to the aR6 and each plug is isolated from the other 5.  Quality power cords are also in use.