What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?


I am wondering what would give the most dramatic increase in bass and low mid projection/Volume, even on account of accuracy ...

My speakers can go down to 28hz but i need to boost it’s level, not frequency extension. They are 2 way with bass reflex port. 6.5" woofer size and a tweeter. Floor standing.

My floor is old hardwood strips.

placement and coupling methods are the first things that come to mind. I do not want to add an equalizer at this point.

Spikes, footers, concrete platform, direct floor flush contact? anything and everything that YOU know works.
Speculations on untested methods are not needed as i need real life experience from people.


Some Tube Rolling today also helped. Old Mullards in the 12ax7 preamp and Old Amperex Britain EL34’s in place of the JJ KT77’s in the Power output section.
More pleasant and less harsh sounding overall. a bit more balanced.
What about a DBX 120 or similar? It is made for this type of application. Pro sound guys deal with this issue daily  because their job is tunning to different acoustical environments. Maybe post on a pro site and get some suggestions.

Purist Dominus cord on power amp works great, bass sounds right.
But before that - real no BS power amps, then power cords.
Most recordings suck, by the way, maybe "1% cables" is one of the reasons. Another, clean record head, another - use good electronics and microphones, and finally - don’t do lousy job.

Does the speaker have loose specifications?

When you indicate that you want to boost the level of the bass drivers, that suggests you don't consider there to be enough punch, dynamic impact. What makes you think you will get worthwhile macrodynamics from 6.5" drivers?