I know a few psec makes a difference, and the measurements I was talking about showed digital coax around 100psec at 100kHz to 1.4MHz and Toslink at 500-1000psec for the same reason. However, that’s well beyond human audibility so it doesn’t matter.
It does matter. Once you get a rig put together that is truly resolving, you can easily hear these differences. Everyone has a system they believe to be resolving but it just isn't the case.
Show me the jitter difference between an Amazon Basics optical cable and then from an AudioQuest Diamond optical cable. I have seen one users measurements where he compared a ~$3 optical cable to a $200 glass one, and the $200 was 5psec less.
I don't have any way of measuring accurately Toslink cables, only coax cables. Just spend $25 and get the Toslink I recommended. You will hear the difference.
However, keep in mind any properly made DAC (I’ve seen $1000 ones perform worse than $100 ones) will get rid of jitter anyway, even the AudioQuest DragonFly USB DACs will reduce the jitter to be inaudible.
I definitely will not keep this in mind, because it's simply not true. There is no such thing as eliminating all jitter, even if companies advertise this. Most DAC's benefit from a reduction in input jitter, even if they have reclocking inside. I used to mod many different DAC's, so I have a lot of experience here. I'm not a fan of reclocking inside the DAC BTW.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio