Mapleshade boards under speakers

Anyone try these, either the finished or unfinished, 2 or 4", with isoblocks or brass feet?
My floors are soft yellow pine, and I've made overall improvements using a panel of birchply under them, wondering what the maple would do? He certainly makes great claims for them.

Chashas1..If you find the maple isnt all its suppose to be like I did ....I went to a local headstone company and bought a left over scrap 1" thick slab for $ measured 4'-24"...Cut it myself using a circular saw w/diamond blade..cant get any cheaper than that...
I'm a big fan of maple platforms, the thicker the better. Deliver me from granite. Obviously YMMV :-)
Platforms under speakers alter the dispersion characteristics of a speaker no? I tried it and hated it. Under my subs that did wonders for them:O)
Right now I'm trying a 2by2 sheet of 3/4"thick birch ply, and loving it, tight, articulate, without accentuating anything. The maple has to be better than this or it's going back.
Dave Pogue, who made a comment here back in July, just got Mapleshade custom stands for his Gallo Ref. 3 speakers. The stands are big 4" thick maple platforms with the really heavy Megafeet and Heavyfeet under them. I brought one of my Ref. 3 speakers over to his place to hear the difference between my stock speaker and one of his speakers the new base. The Mapleshade stands made a HUGE improvement. So much so that I've ordered some for myself. This was on a carpet-covered cement floor, not a wood floor.