Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3

Have just ordered a pair of Magico A3, and looking for integrated amplifier to pair with it. As I heard once which had a very disappointing result to pair with Gryphon 300 in a local Hifi show in Hong Kong. Reallly looking for recommendations on matching amplifier. Planned to get a Marantz PM-10, but worried that the single box may not be powerful enough to push the A3. On the other side, some said Hegel H360 with 4000+ damping factor may suit even better.

thank you in advance
I would try the Aesthetix MIMAS integrated

anyone who says they know more than 99% of everyone else should apply for work with Dumpsterfire...
Welcome back melbyguy1
i always think of you when rebalancing the asset allocations in my system, even named my reference system after your “ garbage in, garbage out quote”
i am mellower now.... might be time to drop that ......

Maybe a bit off the beaten path and a lot cheaper than the normal selections, but I would suggest you consider something like a tube/ss hybrid like a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista. I think TMR has one for around $2K. Mine has responded well to cable changes and fuse upgrades, adding refinement and detail. The Magicos I have heard (with either Soluution or CH Precision), were accurate but a little dry and congested, and could benefit from some warmth. Disclosure - I find myself leaning more to the wide-open sound of tubes and hi-efficiency as I am getting older, (probably losing some high frequency hearing) and everybody hears differently.  Good luck.
I purchased the Gryphon Diablo 120 with the optional DAC for my Magico A3s. I did not demo the Hegel 360 or 590, which I had hoped I could do before making my decision. I really liked the T+A 3100, but it was beyond my budget.