The Audio Doctor makes a house call

I would like to contribute  to the discussion about Dave, the “Audio Doctor.”   I live in California but, after many phone conversations and texts where he provided advice about my system with no promise of any return, we decided a trip here from New Jersey would be worthwhile and worked out an arrangement.  Dave brought a lot of accessories for me to audition. First, we repositioned my speakers (KEF Reference 5s), which really improved the sound.  We tried a DAC (Aqua) to compare with my current Auralic Vega (first generation), wireworld interconnects and several other things.  I already had purchased an Innuous Zenith server from Dave and we set that up.  Dave was very enthusiastic about my speakers (which he sells but I already had purchased elsewhere) and my electronics (Audio Research amp, pre amp, phono stage) and never suggested buying new ones.   

At no point did I feel he was pressuring me or trying to sell me something just to make a sale.  My system is definitely sounding better now and I may move ahead with some other improvements he recommended. Of course, Dave is in the audio business and makes his livelihood that way but I think he was genuinely interested in helping me get better sound.  I know that some have objected to him and other dealers posting on this board.  Personally, I have found  his postings very helpful.  Those who don’t can always skip over them—no one is forcing you to read anything.  

Finally, I met Dave for the first time when he came here and have no connection other than as a recent customer.  
mes if keeping up witht the Troydashians means keeping up with the audio Joneses then yes.

Recent product additions, ccommerical forthcomming, how is that are we promoting enough now?

Dali Oberon,
Critical Mass QXK Rack
Critiical Mass Center Stage Footers
Naim NDX 2 streamer Dac
Naim 282/High Cap Preamp
Naim DR 300 Power Amplifier
Audio Control Savoy Power Amp
Epson LS 10500 Laser 4K Projector
Audioqust Thunder, Tornado, Hurrican and Dragon Power Cables
NAD Node 2i
Parasound P6 Preamp/Dac
Parasound A23 Power Amp
Innuous Zenith MK III
KEF new R Series

If you want to know the point, the point is that we are constantly sampling the latest products which is why many people find our posts valuable, we have gone through HRS, Stillpoints and now we have found Critical Mass whose vibration/isolation products seem to be in a class by themselves, and for less money the Isoacoustics footers which are amazing for their price point.

PS. Mr Feil it is great to see one of your former clients realize that you are a sham. Thank you Stereo 5

Personally we feel that both Grgr4blu and Mr Feill should be banned for their improper behavior. Neither of these gentleman adds to the discussions and are just promoting their anti-Audio Doctor agenda.

If either Mr. Feil or Grgp4blu want to chime in with tuning experience, protocalls or experiences they have had in setting up systems then that would be considered proper behavior.

As per the gentleman who doesn’t like "our promotion." most of these people are the first to bemoan there are no brick and mortar dealers left yet in their minds don’t understand the business realities of today’s market.

Do we promote on Audiogon to some extent anything that brings our name to the forum is self promotion howerver, any other dealer or manufacturer that announces they are a dealer is doing the same thing.

We may be more vocal then some but the reality is not that many people have purchased from us because of our contributions on Audiogon.

We started a thread on Micromega’s superb M100 and M150 because the product is fantastic and nobody purchased anything from us.

We started a thread on Elac and Naim because the combo is great and guess what nobody contacted us from that one either!

One of the reason’s we write on these forums is because there are so many audiophiles giving other audiophiles bad advice or advice based on what may be limited experiences and extrapollating those experiences to other people’s needs and wants.

In the case of the OP, his Kef Reference 5 look like they are out of a magazine shoot, his room is setup without room tuning, drapes of paneling, in an elegantly appointed white  room with matching blue couch and upholstered chairs which are also blue, his Ref 5 are Artic White with the Blue cone.

Long story short, you had all of these people commenting on how the OP should now start the auditioning process all over again and perhaps have to take a bath on his brand new speakers and then move to another loudspeaker which would not have worked well visually.

Our solution was to work with the excellent Kef Ref 5 reposition them, add footers, add a warmer dac, discrete room tuning accessories, improve the power and the main cabling and a few other tweeks.

The final setup with the new products sounded extraordinary, even though the ARC electronics were close to 20 years old. The OP was extremely happy with the sound and he could keep the set of speakers that were visually the most amazing of matches, how many companies make pure white loudspeakers with a single Blue colored midrange?

So the final point is our advice worked like a charm to assist this cllient in getting both the acoustical performance and the visual look that worked.

Mission accomplished.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

@bjesien Agreed!  100%  If every dealer on the site self-promoted at every opportunity and at the interminable length that we know every post from the audio curandero will have, then the site would probably collapse under its own weight.  It's fairly unstable as it currently stands.