Rega Ania Cantilever Bent?

I bought a rega P6/Ania combo and I just cannot get the sound right. The left channel sound 30% weaker than right channel. I checked the alignment (using Rega protractor) and tracking force (~1.9g) and I switched input for phono preamplifier and the sound problem did switch. So the problem is from turntable. Then I closely looked at the cantilever and noticed it is “bent” slightly inward. (Picture attached). Could any Ania owner help to confirm if it is bent or it is made in that way. (From stock picture , it is straight and right in the center) Thanks.
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As a rule misalignment of the cantilever (i.e. any deviation from straight front and back) is a problem. A minor (i.e. less than 5 degrees from center) deviation is perhaps OK but anything beyond that is a definite problem, and even a minor deviation could be an issue if the coils at the the end of the cantilever have been displaced, instead of a bend in the cantilever itself without impacting the coils.

With few exceptions (e.g. Miyajima mono cartridges which can be pushed back into place) there's nothing you can do about it. If this was a new turntable you should immediately seek remedy from your supplier. If it was bought used you are out of luck and should replace the cartridge ASAP. 
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