Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!

Who was/is the worst?
... what I think is a great recording/music is the 1st Hoobistank CD; they are pittiful when/if heard live.
As I remember: The Band was rock-solid, recorded or live - almost note for note identical... 
For all the Steve Miller haters, the early stuff was really good, Jacjson Kent State Bles, Gangstr of Love, Space Cowboy, etc.  

I saw them live in 72 if I recall and enjoyed it immensely.

Terrible is the Strawberry Alarm Clock, could not play a lick live.

Steve’s debut album (Children Of The Future. It’s cover looked great under a black light ;-) was credited to The Steve Miller Band, and featured Boz Scaggs solely on rhythm guitar. Boz’s own debut album was a good one, with Duane Allman playing guitar.). I had seen the band the year before (’67), and they were going by the name The Steve Miller Blues Band, which they weren’t, really.

I’ve long wondered if The Strawberry Alarm Clock name was a play on The Chocolate Watchband, the 1965-8 San Jose Garage Band.

steve miller was a natural, which is both a blessing and a curse--on the one hand he could effortlessly knock off a great, simplistic AM tune like take the money and run or the joker, while on the other hand much of his stuff is remarkably underbaked and tossed-off. his late 60s records (e.g. sailor and the above-noted children of the future), when he still cared, are really well-recorded and advanced + he had some really outstanding musicians such as boz and ben sidran (also an uncredited paul mccartney).