Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home vs Concerto Domus

I have been looking to buy a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano's (Not Domus)for quite a while now, and have been very unlucky in trying to secure a pair. This has been my dream speaker for years and years and now that I am at a point to afford them, there are none to be found.

I am getting impatient and thinking maybe I will look into the Concerto Domus instead... Is this a comparable speaker to the older grand piano? Although it is only a 2-way, it looks like its frequency response matches that of the GP. Is the bass range similar?

I'm worried that they wont be the same though, and that I'll still wish I had the Grand Pianos.

Any thoughts? Anyone change from the GP to the Concerto Domus?

BTW - I have listend to the GP. Never the Concerto.
It really depends how large your room is, what you will be using to drive the speakers, what type of music do you listen to, how much bass do you want, and what your budget is?

Maybe you could provide, some additional information.

I know the specs are close, but the extra woofer in the Grand Piano Home (I believe one may be passive) also frees up the midrange driver and provides deeper bass.

What about a used pair of Grand Piano Domus? There seems to be 2 pair for sale. I think that would be a better alternative than the Concerto Domus, since you've already liked the Older Grand Piano's. I haven't heard the Grand Piano Domus, but I have heard the older Grand Piano's and I agree with you that it is a very fine speaker.

Maybe there are others here that have compared them.

Try not to settle if possible.
I would be careful. I have the GP Home (and Concerto, Concertino and also Cremona) and really like them. When I listened to the Domus GP, I thought the sweet musicality was gone. The Domus are more detailed and maybe less "colored", but I thought they were thin and analytical compared to the GP Home. There have been changes at SF and the more recent lines have changed from the original sound. Some like the new sound, some do not. I would recommend listening to the Domus line before jumping in.
I second Dtc's thoughts. I just picked up a pair of Concertino Home after dreaming about the Signums for many years. Before they arrived I went to Magnolia and listened to the Cremona M, Liuto, and Concertino Domus. Although very open and detailed I did not feel the SF "magic" -- they sounded more cold and analytical than I had remembered the older SF speakers (very surprising since they were driven by bridged MC 275 tubes). I thought maybe it was just my ears, but then I got my Concertinos and WOW that beautiful emotive bliss is all there. If the GP Home is your dream speaker, don't settle for anything less and be patient. You'll just end up cycling through substitutes and ultimately get what you wanted in the first place after much time and money.

Or, since hi-fi gear retains its second hand value so well, get the Concerto Domus, snag a pair of GP Home when you find them, and hock the Concertos if you prefer them to the GPs. That is if you can spare the extra capital while you're selling of course.