I have Mac 601 monoblocks with a C-2300 tube preamp driving Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolutions. All high end SR cabling. In a search for "detail" I went to the Rollerblock isolation technology and my system got so bright it was almost unlistenable. Quite a feat when you consider those components as none are considered bright, in fact the opposite. What I discovered was all the detail especially in the HF range was overpowering my room. With lots of research and the help of GIK Acoustics we treated side wall 1rst & 2nd reflection points with absorption as well as immediately behind listening position. We used difusion on front and back walls as well. Results are incredible...soundstage off the charts with lots of detail but no harshness or glare.....very musical. I have a few pictures on virtual systems. You might give your room treatments a closer look.
Happy listening!
Happy listening!