Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home vs Concerto Domus

I have been looking to buy a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano's (Not Domus)for quite a while now, and have been very unlucky in trying to secure a pair. This has been my dream speaker for years and years and now that I am at a point to afford them, there are none to be found.

I am getting impatient and thinking maybe I will look into the Concerto Domus instead... Is this a comparable speaker to the older grand piano? Although it is only a 2-way, it looks like its frequency response matches that of the GP. Is the bass range similar?

I'm worried that they wont be the same though, and that I'll still wish I had the Grand Pianos.

Any thoughts? Anyone change from the GP to the Concerto Domus?

BTW - I have listend to the GP. Never the Concerto.

I have been living with the GP Homes for 5 years now trying many amps, sources, cables and so forth.
In my mind, the GPH are one of the best hi-fi bargains out there.
Dismissed by many snot-nosed audiophiles as Home-Theater-in-a-box speakers with high WAF due to very elegant lines, these are very smartly designed speakers:
Light and fast drivers (Glass Fiber/Carbon), narrow and very well braced box (minimal box colorations), low cross over point (200Hz) which prevents the bass driver from blending too much into the mid-range (so many speakers out there including ultra expensive ones like Von-Schweikert Anniversary 5 and including some of the current Sonus-Faber higher line offerings do that and blur the mid), very well designed bass-reflex implementation - most ported boxes sound like a cell phone on vibration mode...:-) not these ones and finally - relatively easy to drive due to 90 db and STABLE 6 Ohm impedance makes them a candidate for many non-traditional tube amps like medium powered SET amps.

They lack the scale and fullness of larger and more expensive speakers but at what they do good (Jazz quartets, small scale chamber music, acoustic guitars, even well recorded pop like Roxy Music's Avalon) they are very hard to beat.

I did not audition the Domus in my room but hooked to some Linn gear I was not impressed at all.
I dislike the new Cremona M as well (boomy and dead to my ears).

After trying the following amps:
NAD 317, Antique Sound Labs AQ1003 DT, Meridian 105's, Meridian G57, Bryston 4B, Simaudio W5, McAlister Audio PP-75 and MB-130, Rogue Audio M150 I finally found the ultimate bliss with JAS Audio Array 2.1 300B/805 A2 SET Amp
( using Joule-Electra LA-100 Mk III pre-amp (

Highly recommended speakers especially given $1,500 used price which may prevent you from spending money on expensive front end but investing in the front end will transform these speakers from very nice, clear lively sounding speakers to first row immediacy and intimacy experience. In other words - you can grow with these.

Some other speakers that I liked:
Coincident Super Eclipse II, Reference 3A Veena, Acoustat 3
Wow. I was debating whether to upgrade to Cremona M in graphite but now I am not sure. I have the piano black GPH and I bought them as when compared to very boring B&W speakers these were so sweet and musical over a broad range of music. You can hear a big difference when playing the Eagles Hotel California with the GPH and its wonderful crossover. I added a REL 505 piano black subwoofer which lifted the whole soundstage up. Cables make a big difference. Started with Nordost Blue Heaven and now Tyr for alot more heft. You can grow with these speakers and hear a difference. I went from a Denon to Krell 400xi for a more discrete sound and adding Richard graw power cond and FAT power cords on the amp and subwoofer and to the wall added even more heft and a bigger soundstage. I paid 2700 new for them vs 3600 at time at Tweeter when I heard them. I think the DOMUS line just pushes you to spend more,,Thanks for the posts here
Hi Rijp1987 , I also was debating on upgrading to a Cremona M in graphite. I have the GPH , concerto, and concertinos. I noticed you used cardas speaker cables ... did you like the GPH with cardas. I am thinking of new speakers or upgrading speaker cables to cardas golden ref.
So, difference between Sonus Faber Home and Concerto Grand Piano is what? Is there a difference as far as sound is concerned? Don't really get this, someone please explain.