I’m a skeptic because I reference studies showing the differences are inaudible?
That’s BNC, not optical. And again, that’s at frequencies we can’t hear.
Since you know how quick a psec is, let’s listen to what 2 microseconds (2 million picoseconds), http://www.sereneaudio.com/blog/what-does-jitter-sound-like
On my phone, I could guess the original 1kHz vs 2µs periodic (the others were obvious), but was magnitudes more difficult with music.
So, it should be obvious that if 2 million psec is not easily differentiable with music playing, than your original statement of going from 22psec to 7psec being a drastic difference should show you why I stated it was bogus, even if your gear and room are near silent, the difference in the noise floor with content playing would be insignificant, just like how going from dithered 16bit to 24bit is impossible to hear, as dithered 16bit has a dynamic range of 120dB, and the noise floor of a song is never gonna be say 20dB, so one could have a song that’s 20dB to 140dB be perfectly reproduced by noise-shape dithered 16bit.
Of course, given your job, I highly doubt you would state otherwise.