choosing a center channel

Hi folks. I would like to upgrade my center channel speaker. I use the same room for 2ch and htr.
I know that the best choice is to buy the center that matches the l&r but I have some audio physic scorpios and the center is expensive and I rarely see them used.
I’d like advice on a center that is on the warmer side of neutral. It would be for movie dialogue and not multi channel audio so my guess is that the match need not be perfect. I’d also like to keep the price under 2k.

There is a pair of yaras for sale on this sight for $495. Perhaps one can be used as your center if it will fit and use the other for a 6.1 back surround. I think it is far better to have a center speaker for when you want it than to not have one at all.
Thanks all. I tried the phantom center set up last night and diidnt really like it. It left the center a little too soft for my taste.
I am trying to make the best of a compromised situation. The same room serves both 2ch and movies. I might be able to firm up the middle for movies by altering the positions of my L&R but I have them where I want the mfor music listening and dont want to move them...
I have a decent center that will work till i can get a good one and in the mean time i learned how to turn the center off on my avr. Thanks!
A used yar amight work. I will need to get on line and check out the drivers. I have never heard them. But they look small enough that I might be able to stand one upright under my tv.
good question. It sounds "cold" to me.
Voices produced through the center are not as resonant sounding as the L&R.
Mind you, it was very inexpensive and I am not really complaining.
I think that I was hoping for a warmer sound from the center to better match the sides. Further, I was hoping that someone more mainstream than Audio Physic might mass produce a passable replacement at a better cost.
Hmmm. I assume you've ruled out some of the obvious things, like speaker wire reversal, a blown driver, or an incorrect setting or malfunction with your AV receiver or surround processor. Have you tried manually increasing the center channel level? My auto-setup always sets the center channel too low for my ears, causing the dialog to get lost in the rest of the soundtrack.

I was trying to find a product I saw a few years ago, that is basically a flat, planar speaker disguised as a painting. You hang it on the wall under or above the flat screen TV. I couldn't find that product, but I did find this, which looks pretty cool. I don't know how much it costs or how it sounds.

Please let us know what you end up with.