Why do amps sound different?

Hi folks, can anyone tell me why amps sound different? I know this is a very trivial question, but it isn't so trivial as I previously thought. For example: an amp can sound "warm", while the other can sound "lean" and a bit "cooler". These amps measure the same on the test bench, but why do they sound different? What causes the "warm" characteristic if the amp has pretty good measurements and frequency characteristics? It is certainly not measurable high frequency roll off, otherwise the amp sucks. Maybe one of the experts among us can elucidate this issue a bit. Thank you.

@atmasphere  Paul Klipsch opined that what the World needs is a good 5 watt amp! Along with his K-Horns, of course! I believe he favored the Brook 2A3 PP amps! 
I have some SE amps: 2A3, 45, 6BG6. They do sound nice in use with my Heresy's!
The first 5 watts or so it what most amps don't get right. With many push-pull amps, the distortion below 5 watts is rising as power is decreased! Not all amps do this though- a lot depends on the topology of the amplifier.