Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9

Hi All,

I have been doing some research over the past while and am currently in the midst of a search for my next floorstanding speaker that costs around ~$10k. My other thread that I posted in this forum gave me a lot to consider. Rather than post there, I figured a most focused thread would be a good idea. Now, I have distilled my choices to these 3 choices... I think.

Power: I will be powering the speakers with a SET amp (48W per channel).
Sources: Most of my sources are digital (Roon/Tidal). I mostly listen to jazz, classical and female vocals. I would appreciate a speaker that provides that good, snappy bass where I don't need a subwoofer.
Room: Large room (will be in the living room that opens up to the kitchen and then the dining room). Aesthetics do matter here.

I have received a ton of help through the forums already during my search and have now narrowed down my speaker choices to (in no particular order):

  • Magico A3 - No issues driving these speakers with my amp. Tested and they sounded wonderful. Very analytical and super clear details. Tight bass as well but maybe more weighted in the clarity/details than warmth, even with my tube amp.
  • Joseph Audio Perspective - No dealers in WA or OR so no way to test these but have heard wonderful things about these speakers. Sounds like imaging/sound stage is a strong suit along with clarity. I wonder how bass performance is though as these have smaller woofers compared to my other choices.
  • Spendor D9 - Have not heard these speakers yet but am trying to find a local dealer that has them in stock.
Another one that I am still thinking about is the Daedalus Argos but I would like to hear some feedback on the top 3 at this time.

@lous -- how about sharing the info about the speakers?  That would be helpful. 

At the end of the day, the most repeated advice is also the best: only your ears will tell you.  You can try and reduce your list of possible candidates based on reviews or forum posts, but you might be knocking your ideal speaker off your list in the process.

For example, as I said before, the D7 and the D9 have got lots of good press, but when I heard the D7 against the Spendor Classic 100, I much preferred the latter.  You might prefer the D7.  No one can tell you.

I also auditioned the ProAc D30R.  Didn't like it, despite having owned and loved an older ProAc product for many years.  Several people whose opinion I respect highly praise the D48R highly.  Go figure.

Right now, I'm focusing on Harbeth.  Ultimately, instead of wondering about dozens of makes and models that you read about but have no chance of auditioning in person, you have to narrow down to what is practicable (stores within reasonable striking distance, audio shows), and then do the leg work, unless you're willing to gamble that a speaker you'd have liked even more is round the next corner.

I'm enjoying this thread immensely. Audio really gets more interesting when people dwell on their subjective impressions/experiences of this or that speaker, as compared to spec-wars about them.

It's also quite amusing to see something play out here that I see on every audio board I've ever participated in: a bunch of people talking about sound, and somebody (or multiple somebodies) shows up to urinate all over the conversation w/dubious theoretical clams about science, specifications, whatever other constructs they use to avoid hearing & experiencing things IRL...

There must be factory somewhere that turns out these guys.
@twoleftears Totally agree with your view that it all depends on the listener’s ears. I personally didn’t like the Harbeth 40.1’s that I heard paired with both Primaluna and then Naim gear. While the midrange was musical, details and clarity were lacking. Some love Sonus Faber Olympica’s and I found to be OK.

What makes this difficult is knowing that there are other potentials, such as the Perspective’s that I won’t be able to hear before buying. But, you can’t have everything :)
@dantheman76 Awesome, another local. How are you liking your 805ia and the D7's? I have heard the D7's at Hawthorne but not with the LM obviously. They sounded fantastic and I can only imagine that the D9's are better all around.