Why does my DAC sound so much better after upgrading digital SPDIF cable?

I like my Mps5 playback designs sacd/CD player but also use it as a DAC so that I can use my OPPO as a transport to play 24-96 and other high res files I burn to dvd-audio discs.

I was using a nordost silver shadow digital spdif cable between the transport and my dac as I felt it was more transparent and better treble than a higher priced audioquest digital cable a dealer had me audition.

I recently received the Synergistic Research Galileo new SX UEF digital cable.  Immediately I recognized that i was hearing far better bass, soundstage, and instrument separation than I had ever heard with high res files (non sacd),

While I am obviously impressed with this high end digital cable and strongly encourage others to audition it, I am puzzled how the cable transporting digital information to my DAC from my transport makes such a big difference.

The DAC take the digital information and shapes the sound so why should the cable providing it the info be so important. I would think any competently built digital cable would be adequate....I get the cable from the DAC to the preamp and preamp to amp matter but would think the cable to the DAC would be much less important.

I will now experiment to see if using the external transport to send red book CD files to my playback mps5 sounds better than using the transport inside the mps5 itself.

The MPS5 sounds pretty great for ca and awesome with SACD so doubt external transport will be improvement for redhook cds


I’ve got a comparably modest digital source setup:

Allo Digione RPi
to Schiit Modi Uber 2
to NAD C316BEE
to Tekton Lore speakers

Did an a/b test with each cable upgrade:
no-name cheapo rca analog interconnect to ZU audio mission from dac to amp = huge improvements.

Then the same with digital rca: 
monoprice 1.5 meter to amplifier surgery 1.5 meter from Digione RPi to dac = huge improvements.

Here are jitter measurements of your Digione.  I also have one, not the latest premium version BTW:


Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Maybe the paper referenced below will shed some light on the complexity of jitter for those that believe that a simple value in some clock or DAC datasheet can Trump this effect for good.
Audibility of some forms of jitter on DACs and ADCs have been investigated, but I believe that the improvements that most of us hear when jitter is reduced tend to indicate that audibility thresholds are not so easy to define and greatly depend not only on the technology used inside the chips, but also on the implemented circuitry around those chips (e.g. power supply management).
My 2 cts worth, /patrick


A good start.  I agree with:

"It follows that specs such as "Jitter 200 ps RMS" are

practically meaningless. Jitter specs should always

identify what measure of jitter they are referring to,

as in "Period jitter 200 ps RMS" for example."

All of my jitter measurements are direct and of the period.

"Period jitter was introduced in section 3.1.2. Unlike

wideband jitter and baseband jitter, it can be measured

directly in the time domain, i.e. without filter hardware.

You simply use a scope, and examine the waveform

one period after the trigger point. Many scopes can plot

period jitter histograms and extract RMS values."

I do not agree with this however:

"We saw in section 3.1.2 that period jitter is entirely

appropriate for some purposes. We see here that it is

entirely inappropriate as a general measure [14]. This

is because it is basically blind to low-frequency jitter."

This depends on the measurement system and how it measures the jitter.  Mine measures the jitter of the data, not the clock, so it factors in the fact that the period changes.  It selects one period and locks onto this.

"it can be useful to make N-period jitter

measurements with very large N. Modern digital scopes

are excellent for such measurements."

I do not believe my measurement system can do this easily, but it is important.

"A key point is that it is not just the basic audio signal

that gets modulated. It is everything that crosses the

boundary between the continuous-time domain and

sampled-signal domain. This can include out-of-band

interference (in ADCs), incompletely attenuated images

(in DACs), and "zero-input" internal signals such as

shaped quantization noise and class-D carriers."

"Even low-level components can

cause problems if they are up at high frequencies."

"Jitter bites equipment designers most deeply when it

causes a converter that should have more than 100 dB of

dynamic range to deliver e.g. only 80 dB. In such cases

the jitter is interacting not with the audio signal but with

an internal signal such as shaped quantization noise.

Early one-bit DACs were particularly sensitive to this.

More-recently the inclusion of switched-capacitor filters

and the move to multi-bit designs has eased things.

Above ~200 kHz, the quantization noise is largely white

at its point of injection. When you factor in the DAC's

sin(x)/x frequency response and the effect of the internal

switched-capacitor filter stage, its spectrum becomes

more like the upper trace in figure 10 (taken from [17]).

By applying the already-mentioned 6dB/octave tilt,

one can estimate the region of greatest jitter sensitivity.

It is typically somewhere around ~0.5 or ~1 MHz for

DACs that use high-order noise shaping."

"The jitter performance differences that we have seen

relate entirely to signal components that are above the

audio band."

So as you can see, the DAC itself is sensitive to jitter that is way out-of-audio band.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Am I right to think that gold connectors for digital cables are pointless?

The contacts are the important part in a BNC or RCA.  If both the shield and center conductor contacts are gold-plated, this is good enough.  Any non-oxidizing conductor material will do.  The shield is usually not gold-plated or having 360 degree contact unless you get a high-end connector, like the Neutrik BNC.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I find that Tidal hi fi sounds different than CD. I've grown to prefer it.
But I would think having an all in one CD player would minimize jitter.

All-in-one player is no magic bullet.  Still has the same jitter problems as separates.

I had a modified sonos connect streaming Tidal, and I could never tame the splashy treble. It was running on a switching power supply.

Digital signals are only about jitter, nothing else.  Sonos jitter is reduced 100X using a Synchro-Mesh.  Jitter plots:


Steve N.

Empirical Audio

All this noise about digital cables. As one person noted, a digital cable actually carries an analog signal. However, the magic is the software. When a digital signal is sent it is sent with what are called stop bits and a checksum. The hardware at the other end recalculates these values and compares them. If they don’t match, it requests the sender to re-send it. This way it is VERY rare, and i mean VERY rare for an incorrect packet to be get by this protocol.

At both ends the data is buffered (stored) to accommodate a fair number of error/resend cycles. After all the transmission speed is MUCH higher than required for high definition audio or even HD video. If you have a LOT of errors, then you will run out of buffered data and get ’skipping’ or some other sort of artifact.

If you find that cables made a difference, then you either had defective cables or ones that were insufficiently shielded, allowing enough errors to empty the buffer.

Truly analog signals like those from your pre-amp to your amp are different story, of course. Those signals are sent in real time. No buffering. No error correction.
If you have extra money to spend on your digital sources, spend it on the DAC, because the output from your DAC is analog, and there are lots of ways to screw that up.