Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3

Have just ordered a pair of Magico A3, and looking for integrated amplifier to pair with it. As I heard once which had a very disappointing result to pair with Gryphon 300 in a local Hifi show in Hong Kong. Reallly looking for recommendations on matching amplifier. Planned to get a Marantz PM-10, but worried that the single box may not be powerful enough to push the A3. On the other side, some said Hegel H360 with 4000+ damping factor may suit even better.

thank you in advance
Sinewaveron:  Can you at least tell us what mode you're running your Vitus in?  is it pumping out 25 WPC or 150 WPC and if the latter, do you feel this is better than the RI-101?
Post removed 
I only listen to my Vitus SIA-25 MKll in pure Class A mode. It goes more than loud enough for me.

I would say in Class AB mode, 
RL-101 is better. In pure Class A mode, Vitus SIA-025 MKll is easily better. 

The Vitus Rl-101 is a World Class amp, and will sound great with A3's with control. 😊

I would also consider the Goldmund Telos 590 Nextgen II and the Constellation integrated with these speakers.
If you can find a deal on a second hand Constellation, it's great performance for the value.