12AU7 Genalex or Psvane for Cayin Hybrid Integrated H80A

In my search, I haven't found much that directly compares Genalex to Psvane 12AU7 recently. So far, I have had the Cayin OEM, Electro Harmonix, & Genalex, and my favorite is Genalex - quieter, smoother & more dynamic than the previous two.

I am now interested in trying Psvane purely out of curiosity & because it is within my budget for now. Not really interested in spending much more.

BTW, if you require system details, look for my Gallery at US Audio Mart site under member name ejc_xrx.

Thanks in advance for any input.
Very curious how a true NOS tube will fair in my system, since I have never tried any NOS tube. Concerned mostly with noise that some report NOS tubes exhibit, but then again that concern may apply to just about any tube.
NOS are less noisy than the typical new-production tube. They’re also far more reliable. I have a pair of RCA 12au7s that were manufactured in the 50s, and a pair that were manufactured during WWII. Both perform better than the pairs of new-production tubes they replaced. Unlike many technologies, tube manufacture has not improved over the last few decades, quite the contrary in fact. Some of the Chinese factories have improved their QC in recent years, but the reliability and build quality of their tubes still pales in comparison.

On second thought, please stick to new production tubes. Stay far, far away from NOS tubes, you should want nothing to do with them. They’re absolutely terrible!

OP If you have any questions on which are good tubes or which are the right tubes for your H80A, feel free to ask me. I am the importer for Cayin equipment.
BTW, for NOS, Upscale Audio is recommending Brimar over Mullard NOS. Anyone with Brimar experience?